Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monkey Games template changed

Although I spent a lot of time picking up the right template - Im talking about joomla templates - It turned out the last one had some zooming bugs...so I had to change it.
This one I freely downloaded - it took me about a day or two to find it, and spent few hours to customize it (to make middle column wider )..

So don't forget it

play Monkey Games Monkey Games here..

Friday, October 2, 2009

How I did it

Ok, the truth is you can find a tons of documents on how to do this. But here, Im gonna give you an insight on how I did it - not the right way, not the best way, but my way :)

First of all, just to let you know at the start, I do have some programming experience, but not much in php, html, and things like that :) So, practically a newbie for web programming....

Here's the list what I (not)wanted to do:

- to make a gaming site
- to make development as fast as possible (like a month or two)
- to make possible to make content changes "online"

Here's what I did (without explaining detals for now)

- I picked up CMS - joomla 1.5
- wamp server 2
- installed php wamp2 addon - 5.2.9-2
- spent 3 weeks reading on how it works, playing with it
- spent 2 weeks downloding and trying out different component and modules for joomla
- spent few days on picking up good template for my site
- spent a week making smaller changes in code (!)
- a week for getting games, making images, uploading to localhost, testing
- bought domain on 'godaddy'
- bought hosting on 'hostgator'
- ureal commander ftp upload to hostgator's cpanel
- Im online

you can check out the site right here:

its a web site with free monkey flash games Monkey Games

and please let me know what you think ...

Kind Regards,
