Friday, October 2, 2009

How I did it

Ok, the truth is you can find a tons of documents on how to do this. But here, Im gonna give you an insight on how I did it - not the right way, not the best way, but my way :)

First of all, just to let you know at the start, I do have some programming experience, but not much in php, html, and things like that :) So, practically a newbie for web programming....

Here's the list what I (not)wanted to do:

- to make a gaming site
- to make development as fast as possible (like a month or two)
- to make possible to make content changes "online"

Here's what I did (without explaining detals for now)

- I picked up CMS - joomla 1.5
- wamp server 2
- installed php wamp2 addon - 5.2.9-2
- spent 3 weeks reading on how it works, playing with it
- spent 2 weeks downloding and trying out different component and modules for joomla
- spent few days on picking up good template for my site
- spent a week making smaller changes in code (!)
- a week for getting games, making images, uploading to localhost, testing
- bought domain on 'godaddy'
- bought hosting on 'hostgator'
- ureal commander ftp upload to hostgator's cpanel
- Im online

you can check out the site right here:

its a web site with free monkey flash games Monkey Games

and please let me know what you think ...

Kind Regards,


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